Venera Iz Tverskogo Knyazhestva - fantastic blue-eyed Neva masquerade Queen, the graduate of the cattery

Hi I am Simona, the breeder of Siberian cats. Passionate about this breed I was looking for my males a beautiful Neva masquerade Siberian girl and I knew that there was Antey – a Siberian beautiful extraordinary, so I contacted his breeder. She had been following me for a long time had puppies resounding! written and she showed me a cat doll, VENERA IZ TVERSKOGO KNYAZHESTVA! It was love at first sight.Venera comes from Irina’s breeding. My Venera has already become a mother a couple of times and in a week she will have new puppies. She is beautiful, her eyes are emerald, she is affectionate and very sweet. She is my life. I thank very much Lyu and Irina Nazarova for giving me this Siberian princess.